- chest diaphragm
- перегородка короба (передка или зарядного ящика)
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
Chest tube — Intervention The free end of the Chest Drainage Device is usually attached to an underwater seal, below the level of the chest. This allows the air or fluid to escape from the pleural space, and prevents anything returning to the chest … Wikipedia
Chest radiograph — Intervention Image A: A normal chest radiograph. Image B: Q fever pneumonia. ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Chest trauma — Classification and external resources A CT scan of a pneumothorax eMedicine med/2916 … Wikipedia
chest — [chest] n. [ME chest, chiste < OE, ON, or L: OE cist & ON kista < L cista < Gr kistē, a box, basket < IE * kista, woven container > OIr cess, basket] 1. a box with a lid and, often, a lock, for storing or shipping things 2. Rare a… … English World dictionary
Diaphragm — Di a*phragm, n. [L. diaphragma, Gr. ?, fr. ? to fence by a partition wall; dia through + ?, ?, to fence, inclose; prob. akin to L. fareire to stuff: cf. F. diaphragme. See {Farce}.] 1. A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diaphragm pump — Diaphragm Di a*phragm, n. [L. diaphragma, Gr. ?, fr. ? to fence by a partition wall; dia through + ?, ?, to fence, inclose; prob. akin to L. fareire to stuff: cf. F. diaphragme. See {Farce}.] 1. A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diaphragm — [dī′ə fram΄] n. [ME diafragma < LL diaphragma < Gr < dia , through + phragma, a fence < phrassein, to enclose] 1. the partition of muscles and tendons between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity; midriff: see LUNG 2. a) any… … English World dictionary
Chest — This article is about the anatomical term. For other uses, see Chest (disambiguation). Chest Chest anatomy … Wikipedia
diaphragm — /duy euh fram /, n. 1. Anat. a. a muscular, membranous or ligamentous wall separating two cavities or limiting a cavity. b. the partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in mammals. 2. Physical Chem. a. a porous plate… … Universalium
Chest X-ray — A chest X ray, commonly abbreviated CXR, is a projection radiograph (X ray), taken by a radiographer, of the thorax which is used to diagnose problems with that area. The typical radiation dose to an adult from a chest x ray is around 0.06 mSv (6 … Wikipedia
diaphragm — 1. The musculomembranous partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities. SYN: diaphragma (2) [TA], interseptum, midriff, phren (1). 2. A thin disk pierced with an opening, used in a microscope, camera, or other op … Medical dictionary